What is the fastest way to get XP in Minecraft

XP minecraft

In Minecraft, XP is an abbreviation for experience points. These points are gained when you collect experience orbs. The more orbs you collect, the more your experience grows.

They also translate to your success in the game. You get new items, weapons, and abilities as your experience grows as well as being able to advance to various stages of the game.

Experience points come handy in later stages of the game. They can be used in purchasing enchants that in turn make your tools last longer and demolish blocks faster. So it’s better to start earning them as soon as possible.

Fastest methods of getting XP in Minecraft

To get more experience points faster and easier, here’s what you need to do:

Tip 1: Earn experience by killing mobs

You will have to kill a mob directly for it to leave orbs when it drops dead. And this has to be within 5 seconds from the moment you started attacking it.

Killing the head of the mobs – the Enderdragon – will earn you a vast amount of experience points; 12,000 XP.

Tip 2: Mining ores

minecraft ore

Mining ores is the fastest means to earn experience points. There is a vast amount of ore blocks throughout the entire game. And all you have to do is demolish them to mine the ores.

However, not all ores produce orbs once you demolish their blocks. The gold and iron ores do not give you experience points when you mine them.

Mining nether quartz while you are in the nether region, will also earn you a vast amount of experience points compared to mining other ores. You will have to use a pickaxe for this.

Tip 3: Breeding

To achieve this, you will need to acquire food for a specific type of animal. After that build a trap. Then enclose the animals that are of the same kind as their type of food.

They will feed and then breed. The outcome will be orbs worth up to 10 XP.

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Tip 4: Using special items

There is a variety of special items hidden throughout the game. When they are applied to your tools and weapons, they become stronger and last longer.

This will, in turn, increase your ability to mine and kill in later levels of the game where you stand to earn higher experience points.

For example, the ‘Lapis Armor Set’ will double the number of experience points you gain while mining.

Tip 5: Spawner traps

These traps create an infinite source of special items that can later be used to increase your experience points.

When the monster spawner multiplies mobs, you can collect the special items at a safe distance. You can also mine the spawner trap using a pickaxe and earn up to 50 XP.

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By using the tips detailed above, you will be able to grow your experience points quickly. However, the experience points vary i.e. killing the Enderdragon earns you more points compared to mining ores. If you have any questions surrounding this topic or other tips on how to quickly earn experience points, let us know below in the comments.